Greetings Gossip Lovers.
Just another weekend quick tip.
Before you head to one of the incredible music or theater performances this weekend - this month for that matter - mosey down to the 2009 College Invitational at the New Hampshire Art Association, main gallery. WOW!
G Lady isn't going to snow you; not every piece is pro. - Did I just say that out loud? - Well you betchya. No snow on this blog. Too much out there as it is hum? (Referring to winter of course).
BUT, let me say , this exhibit does indeed feature work by
The show has a lot of innovative, risky, even disturbing work, along with ones of sheer beauty. We're talking exciting folks. Exciting!
Here's a few to view. For more - hit the door and get down to State St.
The NHAA's Levy East Gallery, (second room), features work by artists Ann Tolson and Marty Cannata.
Yours in the love of inspiration to fruition,
Gossip Lady
Photos: work by Top: Cassandra Long; Peter Kutcher, (painting), &Joshua Torbick, (bench with drawer), below: Daniel B. Foster.
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