Greetings Gossip Lovers,
Well paint my cupcake blue, it's another little alien photo for your entertainment.
Oh stop tsh,tshing! Infants are all strange looking creatures - cute as the dickens, but very, very odd.
This little gremlin happened to grew into quite the strapping lad, something like 6'6". Know who he is?
Here's another hint, he's Pied Piper of the pen for the 10 through tween crowd - makes 'um laugh, makes 'um - well laugh. Not a lot of crying in this author's books, though his latest series does give a lot to chew on - including cupcakes, but I'll get to that in a minute.
Let's see, he's a chess instructor, works origami quite well, juggles - and he owns a cool 17-foot chessboard! Not yet? - My you do have to get out more.
Okay see if these titles jar anything; “Escapade Johnson and Mayhem at Mount Moosilauke” “The Coffee Shop of the Living Dead” and “The Witches of Belknap County?” Well if that didn't work I might as well give it up.
The mystery minikin of the day is Michael Sullivan, author of all three aforementioned books, part of the Escaped Johnson series. (Read them
Mike recently released "The Sapphire Knight," the first in his latest series "The Bard."
So where does the cupcake come in?
Well his publisher Publishing Works is throwing a number of parties, free to the public, in honor of this latest release. In addition it will raffling off 10 parties for 23 people each.
This event's luscious cupcake with blue frosting was designed specifically for "Sa

My one question is, can a person be a tad over 10 and still be eligible for the party?
Before I go let me recommend a G Lady video featuring yours truly interviewing Mike at his home. You'll just love the afghan throw!

Yours in love of eatable art, as well as the other forms
Gossip Lady
Just had to include this final photo. I was so taken by it, that giant of a man with the sweet little girl. Love it! Thought you might enjoy it as well.
Yes, Gossip Lady, kids a tad over ten can enter to win too! You can enter here:
ReplyDeleteAnd if you'd simply like to GO to a party, join Mike on Friday 4/3 from 3:30-5pm for a taste of the good stuff. The first 24 guests will enjoy a blue cupcake, mm mm mm!
Oh, WHERE should you join him?? Water Street Bookstore in Exeter, NH! This is a FREE event sponsored by iParty, Cold Stone Creamery, and PublishingWorks.