Greetings Gossip Lovers,
If you are viewing this posting in real time it's fairly likely you're not making the wisest choice at the moment. As much as G Lady loves you dropping by, and hopes you do so often, it's Saturday night my friend: GO OUT AND TAKE IT IN!
If you hit West End Studio Theatre it's likely you'll see the scullery maid seen here. Actually that would be Marguerite Mathews going about the glamorous work of the small theater director.
G Lady dropped in at WEST this afternoon and caught both she and her Pontine Theatre partner Greg Gathers giving the place a go-over before tonight's show "A Beautiful Game," a solo performance by guest artist Michael Parent.
Note that jubilant smile on Mathews' face. Yes she was glad to see G Lady. But she was also glad to win the coin toss. Gathers got the bathrooms.
I'd only just missed snapping him at work. Just as well. Greg wasn't quite as upbeat about his chore. BUT, he was about this weekend's show.
When I asked Greg, "why should anyone go to the theater on such a lovely night (a tropical 40-something)," - after checking if my hat was on too tight he said "Well Michael Palmer is a wonderful, world-class storyteller," (tells down-Maine beauties, French Canadian tall-tales and talks hockey), " he's funny and very engaging," says Greg. "And because he's here for only one weekend. You miss it - you miss it!"
Say no more, say no more!
Besides, after all the gussyin' the pair did for your visit, do you want to be the cause of a three-quarters full house. I'm sure not! The 4 p.m. is over, but there's an 8 p.m. tonight and a 2 p.m. tomorrow.
Oh almost forgot to explain the lovely little bobbleheads pictured here. Like them? (Can't you just feel the jealousy emanating from
Well you've missed this year's window of opportunity to garner one of these babies. They're the trophies for Pontine's annual Bowlathon.
And congrads Cary Wendell! - You go Cary! The painter and multi-talented theater artist was top adult scorer at 267. Anne Poubeau brought in the most cash and TJ Scott was top kid took top kid score.
Okay, must get this up. Another one to follow in mere minutes. So many glorious things to discuss. It's the weekend!
Yours in the arts
Gossip Lady
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