Greetings Gossip Lovers
So who is this little cutie patootie?
The eyes have it folks. They’re a dead giveaway. But for the missing hair and favorite lipstick - now always perfectly in place - she looks pretty much the same today. – Bigger of course, but much the same.
Here’s a few hints.
She’s a gossip of sorts, but no threat to yours truly because she generally dishes on herself. Okay, maybe her husband too. But, generally just herself.
In some circles she would be considered certifiably “mentally impaired.” But she’s an actress; so a few spare personalities have proven beneficial.
Figured it out?
Okay, one more – besides the image just below, to the left, that pictures her as one of her more prominent alter egos.
This sassy lady is promising folks a “Wicked Good Time at Town Hall.” She packed them in a few years back with the same offer, so she decided to give it another go.
Figured it out?
It is none other than Ms. Susan Poulin of Poolyle Productions, or as she’s known in many circles Ida LeClair, the lady of

You don’t know what I’m referring to??
Okay then: One: go to the Poolyle link and learn, and Two: get the Hades out of the house for art sake! Ida is the character in just the funniest series of shows around – geesh!
Anyway, (yes I had to pause to straighten my hat out; got a bit carried away there) anyway, if you haven’t met Ida in one of her many shows – well your missing one of Gossip Lady’s all-time favorite gals.
I have a real soft spot for Ida; she's funny, warm and as is evident from the picture above in wicked great shape, not to mention a snappy dresser. She's Maine’s version of the girl next-door – only older and smarter than most Hollywood variations.

Anyway. Here’s Ida as Susan. It’s in the eyes don’t you think?
Yours in admiration of great ladies with character – that are characters,
Gossip Lady
(Learn more about “Wicked Good Time at Town Hall's” three presentations, March through May, at the Poolyle Productions site).
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