Yes, fairness and generosity are expected of one in my line of work. I’m a proselytizer after all.
And so it will be. I shall pull up the gloves and spill the beans - hard as it may be.
I must admit, sharing can be tough at times. Am I right? You know, like giving up the address to your favorite thrift shop. Another case in point: the NH Media Makers gathering – which is ironically all about sharing.

Why stingy on this account? Given this Sunday’s standing-room-only status at Crackskull’s in Newmarket - and G Lady’s intent to return to this marvelous group o’ geeks – it simply worries me there will be no place to park the chapeau and all things attached.
But - in the spirit of good gossipwomanship – I shall share. Let it be known the NHMM rocks. Its meetings are exhilarating, inspiring and exciting. - How could it be otherwise with its own Chiki Tiki God (pictured above) in charge of happiness. There were a whole lot of happy sardines, about 50 strong, lost in the elation of exchange.
There were folks involved in film making, illustration, education, writing, blogging, business, photography, cartooning- lots more and all things tech. They shared what they do, hope to do and have done; neophyte to expert.
It was a bloody ball gossip lovers; all that creative energy just swirling around, Too many great folk to mention, but check out the NHMM blog for more info – or not. Don’t feel pressured. I mean it may not be your thing. ... You might just want to sleep in on Sunday. … Okay, so maybe I’ll see you there next time.
Before I close this one out – here’s a shout out and a star for Mr. ShareMaster himself, the ever-generous John Herman (founder) who brings order, spirit and class to the event. You go Johnny!
Yours in sharing even when it hurts,
Gossip Lady
Photos: There were more cameras and computer there than at any Best Buy. But these snappy shots were taken by Brian Turnbull, (a wicked nice guy). Check him out at
Top photo Uncle Phil, (radio personality & a man all about family music), as a Chiki Tiki God. Have you ever seen the Gossip Lady video featuring Uncle Phil? See it now.
Middle: John Herman. Bottom - the hordes.
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