Tuesday, March 31, 2009

First What, then Who

Greetings Gossip Lovers,

So, here's a fun one for you. Who are they; the baby and the center figure below on the tabletop?

First determine the sex. Then take a guess.

What I can tell you is both are graduating high school this year then heading off to college to study acting.

Each has worked seacoast theaters for 10 or more years. G Lady caught both in some of their earliest performances and has watched them and their talent grow. A wonderful experience.

Figured it out?

Hum, one played the White Rabbit, the other JoJo.

Still nothing?

A few more hints. Both will appear in the coming week in an area production and both are males. That's all I'm giving you.

Insert the "Jeopardy Theme" here. - Times up.

The little driver is Dylan Schwartz-Wallach. His last local project (for the foreseeable future) is "Mystery Plays" with Harbor Light Stage's Bold Face Play Reading, this coming Tuesday. Then it's work and prepping for Carnegie Mellon School of Drama at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA.

And the person that does justice to those killer tights is Alex Dorr, who is heading off to Marymount Manhattan. For now you can catch him on stage at the Players Ring, in "Tricolored Roof."

Could be a while before you see either of these fine young men again.

A High Hat Off To You Boys

Gossip Lady

PS: check out a profile on Alex in the Portsmouth Herald Saturday April 11, by that McCartin Woman.

Discover - well US!

Greetings Gossip Lovers

There's nothing spookier than a big empty building. Alas whatever ethereal claimed this space as home is likely packing as we speak, as the Portsmouth Historical Society, (PHS) is fluffing chairs, filling walls and setting up shop for another season of its Discover Portsmouth Center, (DPC), which opens this very weekend.

The DPC - should you not know - is the one-stop, put-your-feet-up, information and more for area arts and cultural concerns, located in the old Portsmouth City Library.

For those who haven't seen the old library stripped of its former face, here's a peek pre production so to speak. (Alas, no ghosties apparent).

But first, to the right is a picture of Marguerite Mathews, Pontine Theatre's co artistic director and President of PHS, taking shots from tiny little paper people who have aimed their Lilliputian rifles at her. Don't worry. She's an actress. Dodging little people's bullets is second nature.

Marguerite is in the former library main room, now were guests are greeted, information dispensed and cool history books and goodies are sold.

Next up Marguerite,seated in the room where DPC presents a short introductory video to visitors. It's the room BEHIND the main lobby and former check-out desk.

The next photo is of the middle room, second floor. Remember? This one had the tall books on the back wall. The front racks held hobby and craft literature; row two, movies and theater. Ahh memories.

The room with the ladder is the new home of the Seacoast African American Cultural Center. It's the former children's room. SAACC starts moving in this month.

Finally, below, a shot from the second floor. Just love it.

The upper level is open to area artists for exhibition. The lower level (remember, references, magazines, newspapers, research), houses Discover's annual exhibits. This year it will offer one on gondolas and others on 1950s and '70s Seacoast-related art.

Present, future, past - past-participle. Wonderful, wonderful Portsmouth.

Yours in appreciation of where we're at.

Gossip Lady

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Greetings Gossip Lovers,

Lions and Students and Mimes - oh my! If you were downtown Portsmouth yesterday you likely spotted the man-beast and friends - including numerous men in fluorescent. (That orange brings just about any eye color out don't you think)?

It was a film in the making folks.

This dreary Sunday killed plans for a second day of shooting, but weather providing they'll be back in Market Square next week. Sort of a fun thing to take in on the way to a play, gallery or concert. The whole family can enjoy it for free : ) (Love that word. I mean we are from the "Live Free or Die" state after all).

Lion and company are just the latest movie crew to use the Port City. This group of filmmakers is led by writer/director/producer Ryan VanDalinda, (bottom pic on the right), a former Winnacunnet High School student, currently a senior at Keene State College.

The flick, "Fursona," is the Senior Thesis Capstone Project for 12 KSC students, all part of the florescent wearing team.

Justin Wakefield (that's him to the left, front and fluorescent) the film's assistant director says he's not sure what day they'll return next week. But he promises to call when the time is firm. And I promise to post a quick note on the blog so you can take the kids to watch the process.

Want more on yesterday's shoot. It's in today's Portsmouth Herald, (here), written by the great pop blogger herself, Gina Carbone.

Chow for now,
Your favorite Culture Vulture
Gossip Lady

Friday, March 27, 2009

The Best Blue is Cupcake

Greetings Gossip Lovers,

Well paint my cupcake blue, it's another little alien photo for your entertainment.

Oh stop tsh,tshing! Infants are all strange looking creatures - cute as the dickens, but very, very odd.

This little gremlin happened to grew into quite the strapping lad, something like 6'6". Know who he is?

Here's another hint, he's Pied Piper of the pen for the 10 through tween crowd - makes 'um laugh, makes 'um - well laugh. Not a lot of crying in this author's books, though his latest series does give a lot to chew on - including cupcakes, but I'll get to that in a minute.

Let's see, he's a chess instructor, works origami quite well, juggles - and he owns a cool 17-foot chessboard! Not yet? - My you do have to get out more.

Okay see if these titles jar anything; “Escapade Johnson and Mayhem at Mount Moosilauke” “The Coffee Shop of the Living Dead” and “The Witches of Belknap County?” Well if that didn't work I might as well give it up.

The mystery minikin of the day is Michael Sullivan, author of all three aforementioned books, part of the Escaped Johnson series. (Read them all. Laughed out loud).

Mike recently released "The Sapphire Knight," the first in his latest series "The Bard."

So where does the cupcake come in?

Well his publisher Publishing Works is throwing a number of parties, free to the public, in honor of this latest release. In addition it will raffling off 10 parties for 23 people each.

This event's luscious cupcake with blue frosting was designed specifically for "Sapphire Knight" parties by Cold Stone Creamery. All the delicious details are in this coming week's "Gossip Column" in "Portsmouth Herald's" "Spotlight Magazine" (by that McCartin Woman). Let me just say there are SIX components to each little treat. (Take that McCossip)!

My one question is, can a person be a tad over 10 and still be eligible for the party?

Before I go let me recommend a G Lady video featuring yours truly interviewing Mike at his home. You'll just love the afghan throw!

Yours in love of eatable art, as well as the other forms
Gossip Lady

Just had to include this final photo. I was so taken by it, that giant of a man with the sweet little girl. Love it! Thought you might enjoy it as well.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Tom and Andy Related?

Greetings Gossip Lovers,

Well I have to say, "Hardest Working" seacoast artist might just have to go to Tom Bergeron. How's he related to the seacoast? Certainly you know he's a local and still has a home in these parts.

Anyway, caught the boy conducting an interview on "Good Morning American" this a.m.; the day after a late night (and some what upsetting one) on "Dancing with The Stars."

What DOESN'T this guy do? Two hit TV shows, a film in post production, lots of side gigs, my goodness.

Just thought I'd mention it.

Oh and is it just me, or have you noticed how much Tom and Andy Fling look alike. I tell you, the resemblance is even stronger in person. Uncanny.

Check it out yourself. See Andy in person during the final performance of "All the Rage," this weekend at the Players' Ring, tell me what you think. (Loved the play by the way - 3 hat's off).

Let's see now; if Tom is - oh say that age - and Andy about 20 years younger; hum...

Your's in life's little surprises

Gossip Lady

(PLEASE please, it's a joke! Hopefully with many more to follow).

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Exactly What's Happening Here?

Greetings Gossip Lovers,

I bet this photo conjures visions of a laundry room under water. But no. That's not the Maytag Repair Man, though it is who G Lady would call for household repairs. - Have to keep those artists working.

And that picture to the right? No; it's not a shot from "This Old House."

And finally the one just below to the left is not one of Santa's elves working the "naughty & nice list," though she's likely on the same pay scale.

Instead these and the following pictures are the anatomy of a dress rehearsal - in this case for "Rumors" which opens this weekend at Seacoast Repertory Theatre.

The COP at the top is C. Emerson Kelly. The next shows "Rumors" set designer Erik Diaz and director Jonathan Carr discussing a door issue. (Pretty impressive set hum)?

And the lady draped in blue light is stage manager Heidi Garcia keeping "Rumors" rehearsal on track.

Speaking of rumors this photo to the left won't help squelch those circulating about Tobin Moss. Word is Tobin abandoned his role as the obnoxious cousin in "All the Rage," for the last weekend run at the Players' Ring for the company of a little sweetie.

Look for yourself. Do picture lie? No. That IS a little sweetie.

But it's Megan Quinn who plays Moss's wife in the SRT production.

Oh and by the way, if you step over to the Ring, you'll find Dan Beaulieu covering Moss's part - or role. You know what I meant.

Here's the rest of "Rumor" cast hanging out in the green room waiting for call.

To our left, back on stage together for the third of forth time, Ed Batchelder and Carolyn Hause. Maybe you remember them from "Christmas Story?"

On our right is the ever lovely Lauren Sowa, with the always wild and crazy Christopher Bradley, (Oh, get over it Steve Martin. He is that good).

As you can see this is a talent-packed production. That means expectations are high. The pressure is on. Don't mean to make anyone nervous or anything - but we're expecting great things.

This last duo is Gardner Campbell and Crystal Korabek respectfully, newbies to the Rep stage. I plan on hitting the show Friday night to see how they hold up to against this strong collection.

And finally, the gentleman below, all alone in the dark, lit only by a computer screen, is Mike Condon, lighting designer.

Not pictured, costume designer Maura Suter, who also sat alone in the dark (but not forlorn) taking notes, tweaking details.

And there you have it folks - the anatomy of a show days before opening, all the techs working their butts off while the actors lounge in the green room.

Put the pitchforks and eyeliner down! It was just a joke.

Well off to wash the gloves before the weekend arrives.
Yours in Art
Gossip Lady

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Down for the Count - Your Turn!

Greetings Gossip Lover,

Well boohoo, Gossip Lady has the flu. And seeing as I’m in to “spreading the word,” not the misery, I won’t be heading out on the town.

So instead I thought I would invite you to send me a note about something YOU do or see this weekend.

And yes, I will post later this weekend. So many things sitting on the “get to” list. But today the couch and I will be reacquainted.

Meanwhile, talk amongst yourselves!! Send reviews of something you’ve seen. A Gallery? Dance? Theater? Or were you rehearsing a show you think is coming together? Worked on a project that's looking good? Let everyone know. You be the fill-in Gossip!

I’m dying to hear – but of course.

Gossip Lady
PS: don't you just LOVE that hat. It's my "Florida," with matching purse.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Hot Tips

Greetings Gossip Lover,

No my friends, G Lady isn’t going Craig’s List on you. And don’t expect me to post items for sale on the blog again. But LOOK. I found this at Fair Tide Thrift Store in Kittery today, March 20.

I know, it resembles a cute little cartoon alien doesn't it? But it's not. It’s a hammered dulcimer built locally by York’s Steve Wagoner and Jenn Lynch, the former a fine carpenter and MD, the latter a well-known local hammered dulcimer and drummer. At a thrift store!

Didn’t buy it. Don’t play. So it's still there. For $75! Kowabunga! Hustle my friends, hustle. (Sorry checked back in, it's sold).

Before I leave, did you check out the latest G Lady video? It’s an interview with Bob Lord, Dreadnaught’s headman. Lord’s got a lot going on as a producer, solo musician and with the band. One of the group’s gigs is as house band for the Music Hall’s “Writers on a New England Stage.”

Because of that Bob has WONDERFUL stories about Dan Brown, (local boy - who G Lady gives a shout out to), Alan Alda, Madeleine Albright and more. Definitely check this one out. Most entertaining if I do say so myself – and I do.

I have to say I think Bob is one of the nicest people I've ever sat down with. Wicked nice, and talented. I think it comes across. - Am I right?

It's the weekend folks - rev those engines. Lots to do. Lots to do.

Yours in the love of life’s little surprises.
Gossip Lady

Thursday, March 19, 2009

red sneaker

Greetings Gossip Lovers,

Seems like these fellas have hung around the library a bit to long, hum?

Looks as if they could use a hand, or a hoof, a chest, anything for that matter. Kind of like a super model. - Oh. Did I just say that out loud? - Anyway....

Though very far gone they're yet to arrive. You'll find them hanging at the Portsmouth Public Library through the month of April part of a “Learning to See” project, conducted in Mexico by a local photographer pictured to the left.

Recognize her? Sure it’s a bit before her days behind the camera.

Hint: she ran the same project last year at Portsmouth Middle School. (and clearly has great fashion sense - take a look at those sneaker!!)

She just announced she’ll head out to Haiti and possibly New Orleans for another project later this year. (See that McCartin Woman’s Spotlight Gossip Column on the matter next week).

She’s also looking for people who might have spare digital cameras she can take to these latest gigs. Have one? Know someone that does – Pay forward my friend, pay forward. Who doesn’t need a bit of good karma these days eh?

Final hint, this camerawoman is celebrating her 10th anniversary as the house photographer for the Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom.

Just as cute today as she was then – Nancy Grace Horton.

To pass the camera’s on contact here at her website. To see more about her Casino career, check out next week’s Portsmouth Herald Spotlight, (out 3/26 and 27). To see a photo from that project, well just look below. Love this one!

Okay folks, get out, get around, feel the love.

Gossip Lady

Monday, March 16, 2009

Bewitching vocals, Idina Menzel

Greetings Gossip Lovers

I’m waxin’ up the broom and getting ready to ride. There's a big meeting midweek at the Music Hall.

Come Wednesday Night G Lady is heading to the hall to make quorum with the ladies and all the others who love the sound of a spellbinding voice. I suspect it will be a full house considering Idina Menzel is flying in to entertain the troops.

Of course the pic at the top is the famous image of Idina as Ephaba in "Wicked." Does our people proud! (posted after the event. Saw it, loved it, where were you)?!

I suspect Patricia Lynch, the halls magic-maker, will be around that night. – Witches do love a good time, and this should prove to be a wicked good one. (Insert cackle here).

Just to get you in the mood I’ve reposted a pic of Patricia in full regalia, (I wonder if she uses the same broom) and a ghostly shot of the hall's grand dame; (we must wonder why this picture will only print in its negative from. hummmm).

Not to be outdone, (as IF anyone could top this hat!) here’s a shot of G Lady sporting her uniform. Hasn't been out since the day I took you on tour of Portsmouth’s haunted buildings, (which includes mention of the Hall’s specters).

It's shaping up to be a great week for art folks. Check out the Portsmouth Herald’s Spotlight listings.

Oh by the by, Wednesday is the night the "Ghost Hunters" airs the episode about Star Island, filmed in Portsmouth and on the Isles of Shoals last November. Tevo that baby, come see Idina, then go home and top the night off with a bit more of the ethereal.

Yours in the true magic of art,

Gossip Lady

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Pure Art

Greetings Gossip Lovers,

How about a wonderful, free, outing for the family today or a solo trek to lift the spirits? Super! Then hustle down to “Splash: The Art of Portsmouth Young People" at the Portsmouth Library, (up through March).

No doubt you'll experience the charge of finding artists soon to grace pro-gallery walls . But – and more importantly - you’ll see the very spirit of art, the excitement, passion, exploration and individual eye unhampered by absorbed sophistication. Can there be anything more heady than honest art?!

Too juvenile you say? Oh you silly compartmentalizer.

Have you checked out the Alien Gallery at the Portsmouth Herald online site yet? No? Well do. Next time you take a mental-health break on the work computer, (we know you do), instead of surfing shoe-sale or depressing or unsightly sites click on the Alien Gallery. Now turn off the mental critic and REALLY look.

I promise you’ll laugh, guffaw, smile, ponder and yes be in awe. The library show has the same power. And no, this is not a Public Service Announcement, or smarmy do-gooder proclamation.

Quash the assumptions my friend and you are in for a real treat.

I’m going to be quiet now and let the art do the talking.

Yours in true art appreciation,

Gossip Lady

Photos: top to bottom:
1 "Woof Woof" (no tag, would love to hear)
2 "Pop Art Self Portrait,
" Michaella McCarthy, Grade 3, Little Harbour
3 "Standing Creature," Grace Goddard, Grade 2 Little Harbour

4 Blue Car, Kelsey Abrams, Grade 11, Portsmouth High
5"Native American Paper Totem Poles," Grade 1, (collectively), Little Harbour
6 "Foreshortened Figure," Kathleen Brewster, Grade 12, Portsmouth High
7 "Tribute to Henry Rousseau," Grace Jackson, Grade 2, New Franklin

A Gold Star to the art instructors as well as ALL the incredible, young, emerging artists.
Keep it up! There can never be enough art in the world.
PS: I have a few pics I haven't posted, will put them up later this week. But go see it live folks!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Beauty and the Bonnet

Greetings Gossip Lovers,

So, it would appear this little lady was a bit less than thrilled with her Cream Egg. She was probably hoping for a Peep.

Either way she grew up to be a "smiler," not to mention one heck of a fine painter. Recognize her?

I doubt this second photo helps much – of course that’s why I put it here.

I know what you're thinking. You think I have it out for her. Why else would I post the poor unsuspecting woman's graduation photo?

Face it folks with time ALL graduation pics have "that look." And there lies my defense.

Who among us has a year book photo that doesn't horrify or induce hives? We're definitely in this league together! - And besides. Look. She's cute. AND her glasses are fashionable again.

Moreover, would it be SO terrible if we got a tiny chuckle from say - the hair. It's been a long winter after all and no harm done; am I right?

So, have you figured out who it is yet?

Hint: She was awarded honorary distinction Master Pastelist from the Pastel Society of America, and full Artist status by the Copley Society of Boston.

Hint 2: Works the Foreside streets.

And finally, she's a lady with a fine sense of humor - or at least I hope so.

Well here she is, still wearing dapper chapeaus and sporting a good-natured smile.

Meet Gail Sauter, pastel and oil artist, whose studio is on Government St, Kittery, Maine.

Gail says if you see the light on tap on the door and come on in. She’s fine with folks dropping by the studio if she's in - check out her paintings, (like those included here).

Well G Lovers, it sounds as if we have a wonderful, warm weekend coming our way. Might be a great time for a Kittery Foreside stroll. There's a lot of art along that route these days.

Yours in the shared love of a fine art walk,

Gossip Lady

"The power of art lies in its ability to engage the mind and inspire the spirit.” Gail Sauter

Check out Gail's blog; a Journal: A Painter on Painting