Greetings Gossip Lovers,
I simply couldn't resist posting this.
So, who is it? And what is he doing?
Hint: He performed in an original G Matthew Gaskell play, during its second life at Seacoast Repertory Theatre.
Hint 2: He will play the obnoxious cousin once again, this time in the sequel, on stage next week at the Players' Ring. - And that my friends is a hint to both his character and activity.
Now: Please hum the "Jeopardy" theme here, then continue on.
The answer is ... (in "Jeopardy" style), Who is Tobin Moss?
And yes, Tobin IS holding a roll of toilet paper to his eye. That's called theater.
When you're in rehearsal, and all the props aren't in, you improvise. In this case the toilet paper is his video camera. A mighty fine one don't you think?
The original play was "Sharp Dressed Men," It's sequel is "All The Rage."
I'll definitely be stepping out for this one. And you?
Yours in Art Revelation
Gossip Lady
To the left: Tobin sans toilet paper. Kind of looks like he's in a prisoner's uniform doesn't it? Hum wonder if there's something he'd like to share.....
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