I know; you KNOW you know this guy in the glasses. The problem is you can’t remember whether he is a flashback from a high

Far be it from G Lady to say it’s any one or all of those in your personal life. But I can say that’s not why I’ve posted him. The dude in the shades plays a big part in area arts. Know who he is?
While you consider that, let me go on about another issue. G Lady has recently received a flurry of inquires from flustered funkers asking for help in determining “what decade” they are. Eventually I ascertained people were all a twitter over the upcoming Prescott Park Arts Festival Dance Party, (March 28) - and came up with some advice.
Seems the fest - showing its schizophrenic side – told folks attire is anything mid 20th century: get-down in a get-up like this dude posted above, or go as your inner greaser paying homage to PPAF’s upcoming summer production “Grease.” Any eveningwear is acceptable as well.
Whatever your thread of choice you’re feet will move to the funk of Soul City at the Seacoast Harley Davidson show room – hence the ‘70s factors in.
Okay people. I feel your pain. But the calls have to stop. So here’s some solid, general guidance. Follow that mid 20th century adage and “do your own thing.” Let your freak hang out for heaven’s sake! Wear a pair of pearls with go-go boots and faux fur vest. And for the woman, try a classy evening gown.
Here are some great resources for creating the right costume: for the 1950s try this site; be sure to click around.
For the ‘60s & more ‘50s hit this one. And finally for the '70s go here. One thing is sure, they're all great for a good laugh.
It will be interesting to see what the dude with the bandana decides on considering he wore this ensemb in 1995 as a junior in high school. Oh, he’ll be there all right. That’s Ben Anderson the fest’s executive director. (see below).
Yours in white gloves - whatever the decade!

Gossip Lady
Another note to ponder: Never been to a fundraising event; or at least not one outside your personal, favorite nonprofit? Folks these are great ways to get to know neighbors and support local arts and social issues. Bring a pile of friends and let someone else provide the party! mingle or don't But give to your community while getting a great experience.
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