We all know it's not just the "big food," the fun tchatchkis and engaging and surprising outsider's art that get us to the Friendly Toast. That waitstaff sure can be entertaining.
Take note of the fellow on the right. By day Geoff Palmer, the guy with the drawers to match the decor. By night Geoff Useless, vocals and guitar for the Guts. That would be him on the lower left.
Geoff, his co Gut Nate Doyle, voice and bass, and Courtney Denison of The Lanterns, who did a European tour with the Guts, all work the local Portsmouth eatery. You can tell them from most the waitstaff; they usually smile table side. - Artists. - They need the tips.
Listen before I sign off, may I ask - even if you're busy - that you scroll down two segments (to the little black & white witch photo), and start reading at paragraph four. There's a link to a petition that urges the Senate to include arts and culture concerns in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan. They vote this week.
Please don't delay.
Sign the petition, tip fairly, and keep the kids off the street!
Yours in Art
Gossip Lady
Gossip Lady
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