Greeting Gossip Lovers,
Well, that McCartin woman is writing a review for the Portsmouth Herald on the Edwin Booth production of "The Belle of Amherst." I believe it's out Thursday in Spotlight. But I'm sure she doesn't have these photos -- well I know she doesn't, because I took them!
I just had to tell you this is definitely something you want to get out too. It's the first Booth production in some time - a year? Maybe two? A hole too large and long on the seacoast scene.
It's also likely the last work we'll see by Director Mary Lynn Ruth. She's moving out of the area. So unless someone is offering room, board and a check, we probably won't be seeing her again. . So, sad. This lady has given us some great work: "The Madwoman of Chaillot" and "The Road to Mecca" at Garrison Players come quickly to mind.
Anyway, I thought you Edward Langlois fans would like a quick peek at his set and the costume for Carol Davenport, who plays Emily Dickinson brilliantly in the one woman show.
Oh, some of you don't know Eddie ? Local boy, grew up in Newmarket, has run a number of theaters, Edwin Booth founder and is unquestionably one of the most inspired visual artists in the region, costuming and sets. Scrumptious comes to mind, theatrical, exciting, - I'm refering to his ART. This production Eddie played delicate and authentic, with just enough abstraction to take it to another level - per his usual.

So, at the top, a picture of the set. Second photo is Mary Ruth - (farewell fine artist), and to the left is Carol as Emily, taken by Sarah Lowe who has documented Eddie's work for decades.
Do go catch it, it runs through May 17. All the info is in that McCartin woman's piece on Thursday. We're talking Gem here.
Enjoy enjoy!
Gossip Lady
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