Greetings Gossip Lovers,
Amy Palmer and I may not share the neat gene, (wait till you see how spotless this woman's home and art studio!), but the one for irreverence? Most definitely. And that is why I find her booze swigging, chain-smoking, lost-looking moms hilarious.
I sometimes wonder if those people horrified by Amy's warped sense of humor are harboring a real affinity for or are too similar to these characters. Hum. Things to ponder.
While I do that, why don't you click here, and check out the memorable visit DC (intrepid videographer) and G Lady made to the New Castle painter's home. We checked out her widely different forms of art and her hysterically funny and terribly irreverent new book on motherhood.
Oh, and drop back in soon. I PROMISE to post the most incredible group of photos taken during a recent Green Foundry pouring. Truly marvelous.
Yours in the love of arts
Gossip Lady
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