Greetings Gossip Lovers,
So, who is the little cutie-patutie to the left (snapped pre mover and shaker era)?

Hint 1: The toddler's Halloween witch costume proved an "omen." Many in the art & culture community would credit her with serious feats of magic.
Hint 2: Word is she's cast a spell over employees, board and supporters. They believe she has a knack for seeing the future, and are willing to follow her there.
Hint 3: (And pretty much a give away), leads a major arts concern.
Okay before I tell you who it is here's a quick bit of news. Mark Fleisher, former Ballet New England dancer and admin, wrote to hand on a bit of important news. Mark is getting the word out about a petition that urges the Senate to include arts and culture concerns in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan. Perhaps more so than in most regions the Seacoast recognizes art and culture as business; one that helps generate revenue for others around them.
But alas, there seems to be others in the dark on the matter. Last night G Lady was shocked to hear national politicians call money for the arts a waste, and pork barrel. Okay, listen up Washington. Ask the employees of said art organizations, and the ones at nearby restaurants and businesses that benefit from the art concerns product if arts' pork. In these parts it's called bacon on the table! Enough with this. Read the research! There's plenty that verifies art stimulates economy.
So gossip lovers - get those fingers flying and send a message to Washington ASAP: art belongs in the package. Contact Senators Judd Gregg and Jeanne Shaheen and tell them we need their vote! You can make your voice heard at:
Also, our Senator Gregg is on a key committee debating President Obama's economic plan. Call him at 202-224-3324. Ask him KINDLY to support Obama's critical investments in education and the arts.
Sorry, she can't wave her wand and pass that bill. Sign that petition!
So, who is the little cutie-patutie to the left (snapped pre mover and shaker era)?

Hint 1: The toddler's Halloween witch costume proved an "omen." Many in the art & culture community would credit her with serious feats of magic.
Hint 2: Word is she's cast a spell over employees, board and supporters. They believe she has a knack for seeing the future, and are willing to follow her there.
Hint 3: (And pretty much a give away), leads a major arts concern.
Okay before I tell you who it is here's a quick bit of news. Mark Fleisher, former Ballet New England dancer and admin, wrote to hand on a bit of important news. Mark is getting the word out about a petition that urges the Senate to include arts and culture concerns in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan. Perhaps more so than in most regions the Seacoast recognizes art and culture as business; one that helps generate revenue for others around them.
But alas, there seems to be others in the dark on the matter. Last night G Lady was shocked to hear national politicians call money for the arts a waste, and pork barrel. Okay, listen up Washington. Ask the employees of said art organizations, and the ones at nearby restaurants and businesses that benefit from the art concerns product if arts' pork. In these parts it's called bacon on the table! Enough with this. Read the research! There's plenty that verifies art stimulates economy.
So gossip lovers - get those fingers flying and send a message to Washington ASAP: art belongs in the package. Contact Senators Judd Gregg and Jeanne Shaheen and tell them we need their vote! You can make your voice heard at:
Also, our Senator Gregg is on a key committee debating President Obama's economic plan. Call him at 202-224-3324. Ask him KINDLY to support Obama's critical investments in education and the arts.
So back to the fun trivia question. Who is that tiny witch? Patricia Lynch, Executive Director of the Music Hall, founder of "Writers on a New England Stage," "Intimately Yours" and the lady that leads the venue's physical and art charge into the future.Sorry, she can't wave her wand and pass that bill. Sign that petition!
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