Well this is a sight to behold hum? Here lies one of the well meaning who's getting his do
for what he's done. Or maybe its because of a more recent move. Read on Gossip Lovers!
The Black and White below depicts Larry Simon BEFORE he had his great idea for a jazz and poetry festival. The guy passed out on the floor is also Simon, snapped last week, just months before the fifth annual Jazzmouth - the festival he founded.
Simon says the additional, average 3 1/2 hours a day on top of a teaching job and home life are taking its toll, (obviously). His wife is saying the same thing he adds. Loudly.
So what’s a guy to do? Add to the event of course. You can learn more about all that in that McCartin woman’s Spotlight Gossip Column next week. But for now – here’s proof Larry is coming unhinged.
One of the new events is “Poetry for Kids” at G Willikers the week before the official festival. And you’ll never guess who is working it with him. Bruce Pingree, Press Room manager, radio DJ and music aficionado
Now pause and ponder that a moment. Lots of tiny, noisy tots and Bruce Pingree.
Let’s just say Bruce isn’t what you’d call Mr. Warm and Fuzzy - cool and smart to be sure. But kid cuddly?
When asked why he chose Bruce Simon LAUGHS. “He’s going to terrify the little kids,” he says. “I can see it. … He’s going to stare at them and the kids will go ‘mommy that man is scaring me.’” He ends with another maniacal laugh.
“Nah. Really, I chose Bruce because he’s one of the best readers of jazz poetry anywhere.” It's that teacher thing kicking in. If you want to hook kids, give them the best. And so that’s exactly what Simon is doing.
Bruce will read from Wynton Marsalis's "Jazz: ABZ” and other children's books, accompanied by Larry Simon and Friends.
All joshin’ aside, those will be some lucky, lucky kids.
Yours in fun and arts
Gossip Lady.
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