Get a load of this! I'm not saying where I got it, but I will tell you that it's a pic of writer Michael Kimball - "Green Girls" and other novels, and numerous plays including "The Secret of Comedy" which premiered at the Players' Ring a few years ago.
This is Mike a day after arriving back in York, Maine, after a wild trip to NYC earl

Alas he missed the matinee. He was otherwise occupied at the Lenox Hill Hospital ER, getting 3 liters of IV fluids and anti nausea meds pumped through his system. And you thought your bout with the stomach flu was a drag....
Anyway he did rally and made it to the 7 p.m. reading.
He's also feeling much better. This pic was snapped during a precautionary dip, not the real thing. (Bucket's a nice touch hum)?
You can find out what Michael is up to in next week's "Spotlight Gossip Column." Can't steal that McCartin woman's scoop - she can get so nasty. But I can say Kimball has a whole lot of stuff going on.
Your's in whatever fun comes my way
G. Lady
thanks for coming by and also for your kind words! warm wishes,