Let me tell you of a lovely, bright spot in the midst of this midwinter season. Yes, that could be any art. But in this case I'm directing you to cute.

G Lady dropped in to ellO on State St. (that’s Portsmouth NH y’all), this weekend, desperate for a respite from a bitter cold, overcast day. I’d heard there was a new cuteness show of sugar-sweet proportions. Nothing like a good dose of warm and fuzzy to strike a blow at the blues I always say.
Alas, I was early. And instead of the “cute art” exhibition I found walls filled with harsh realities, (some very well done to be sure, but harsh), from its show “Death and Destruction.”
Better yet, I was able to sweet talk my way into the back room for a quick peek at some of the “cute art” early arrivals. No doubt about it, this one is a blues chaser! (Starts February 4).
So let me share art that's yet to come. Oh and by the by, don’t go looking for “Potty Mouse" (right in lower, left picture). Seacoast director/stage manager/actress Nicci Pilotte beat you – and me - to it.

But Bunnies and ballons! Please! What's not to love. And my personal favorite the bunny below. Grrr. Vicious thing.

Enjoy gossip lovers and drop back soon. Lot's to tell
Yours in good natured gossip.
G Lady.
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