Greetings Gossip Lover,
Well, well, well, treat, treat, TREAT!
DC (intrepid videographer) and yours truly, Gossip Lady were lucky enough to be invited to visit figurative sculptor Christopher Gowell's private studio!
Granted; it might have been nice if we'd called ahead the day of our visit. But we had a few extra minutes and just dropped by and as it was it proved most fortuitous.
Much to our delight, and I venture to say yours, we found Christopher in the middle of a session with a live model. It's true - beauty begets beauty - at least in the case of lovely Emily, the model, and her facsimile taking form on Christopher's stand. See video here.
So there's that and a wonderful private tour of an outstanding sculpture garden at Sanctuary Arts - a school and art center, owned and run by Mz. Gowell.
Can't imagine this one won't delight the pants off you. Speaking of which, if you are offended by nudity, regardless of how tasteful, please skip this video.
I'm off now, but expect to hear from me again soon. I had trouble with this contraption and was unable to post the last video, so will do that and catch you up on lots of area happenings. For now, off to WEST ad ACT ONE, to catch Genvieve Aichele's one-woman show, which ends today! So get a move on!!
Yours in love of arts
Gossip Lady
Photo by the lovely Deb Cram