Greetings Gossip Lovers,
Tomorrow the town will be filled with people heading to the Music Hall’s “Telluride by the Sea” and the first ever NH Fish and Lobster Festival or “Fishtival” at Prescott Park.
Some of those folks will likely be teeny tiny ones – itsy bitsy even.
Yes folks, this is the weekend when the fairies descend on our city on their migration south for winter vacation, and spend a few nights in Portsmouth’s South End in what's called the "Fairy House Tour."
“I’ve already been contacted by the head fairy, and they’re making their way back to th

Alas, the wee ones arrive tomorrow and we’re still a few Lilliputian lodgings short.
So please join G Lady and the other “Friends of the Fairies” down at the park this weekend and help build a few more cozy corners for our little buddies. The last thing we want is for them to start bypassing Portsmouth for better logging in Biddeford, or Berwick or Portland, Maine, or who knows where else.

Here are a few examples of dwellings from past years designed and fabricated by Fairy Habitat Master (or Mistress in this case) Joi Smith.
She promises to create still more masterpieces for our wee friends this year. Will you? You can go simple or elaborate, they’re happy either way. So come on down and join the fun.
I’ll be there with wings on!
Yours Truly
Gossip Lady
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