Greeting Gossip Lovers,
Well, it's time to get a move on folks. Today is the last day of a number of happenin's. "Telluride by the Sea" at the Music Hall is winding down; at 4 the fairies fly on, (see story below, AND click HERE for a video of GLady cavorting with the wee ones), and its the last night for the Players' Ring's first show of the season "Crush Depth."
Oh there's plenty more afoot , check out the "Spotlight Magazine" for listings - Bottom line, get up OFF that bottom and enjoy this spectacular fall day on the seacoast!
Over the next few weeks we'll talk about The Rep, (already showing "Altar Boyz)," Pontine Movement Theatre, NH Theatre Project and other venues launching their seasons. But I figured today, the last of the Ring's, 2009/10, first-show run, was a perfect day to share some photos of "Things Yet To Come." (Ouuuu, saying that makes me want to run out and buy a big red robe and a holly wreath. - But I digress).
So cast your eyes on these beauties. They were taken at the Ring's season preview , which offered snippets of coming attractions.
G Lady consider making you take the pictures along to the
Ring so you could match them to the plays throughout the season. But instead I'll post their ID's below; make it easy on you - SINCE -you'll be busy running from art event to art event - right?
Creative Be!
Gossip Lady
#1 Jeff Bernhardt & Danica Carlson in "Serving His Master"
#2 Gary Locke in "Santa Come Home"
#3 Helen Brock, in "Dix Tableaux"