Greetings Gossip Lovers,
Must share. G Lady had a wonderful evening last night. I had an charming chat with Box ‘0 Fries and Miss Ketchup regarding the arts. The latter, a lovely lady, is not only a video star, but a former improv actress. Stimulating conversation to be sure! I assure you, a night with Mr. Fries, a processed tomato and Mr. Cheeseburger beats couch potato every time.
(Oh, and I can report Fries was not hurt when the elevator closed on his noggin. A bit dazed perhaps but not hurt).
So it all happened rather impromptu during breaks while the crew was filming segment eight of “Odd Noggin Land,” at Portsmouth’s Tredwell Gallery. The web series is the brainchild of John Herman and Ryan Plaisted, (co writers/directors).
Keep your eyes peeled. The film pair and their trio of foodstuff shoot on location all over the seacoast. Have a spot you’re willing to offer? They're always looking.- well John and Ryan are. The poor Odd Noggins can barely see a thing, and their fairly deaf - but lovely. Anyway interested in opening your space to the crew, write John at
Well G Lovers, be back soon. More news to share. Weekend is upon us. Pick up or check out the Portsmouth Herald’s Spotlight for the arts and culture listing.

Yours in anticipation
Gossip Lady
P.S. Miss Ketchup is played by Emily Briand, Fries, by Steve Johnson or Jon Briggs and Cheeseburger is Brian Paul.
The super, bottom photo by PT Sullivan (thanks!)
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