Greetings Gossip Lovers,
At 5 p.m. tonight catch the “Spontaneous Release Party” for “Haunted Cemetery of New England” by Roxie Zwicker, at PublishingWorks Exeter headquarters.
This celebration marks the end of an arts’ hostage situation. Just today, in the Portsmouth Herald's Spotlight Gossip Column, THAT McCartin Woman talks about how “Haunted Cemetery’s” printer wouldn’t give up the goods. (See column for details). But finally, in time for the holy month of haunts - it's making its way to us - as we speak!
Word is you can buy it pretty much off the back of the truck. Delivery is expected between 4 and 5 p.m., so the truck reference is real folks. Roxie will be there to sign, of course. AND THIS JUST IN (honestly, as I'm writing this it came over the waves). The first five guests will get a FREE copy of "Haunted Hikes of NH" by Marianne O'Connor. Can't beat that with a witch's wand!
I've been told that given the short notice – after all that’s what spontaneous is all about - the Exeter company will get addition copies signed so you can swing by later and pick up a copy.
So all you who love the ghosties and ghoulies, you may breath deep once again. Your spooks are in!
Yours in the love of October arts,
(don't you just LOVE this month)!

Gossip Lady
(Psst, latest G Lady video is up. Will talk all about it later today!)
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