Greetings Gossip Lovers,
Oh my, so long. So sorry!
But I'll play catch up like a fiend folks.
Till my next (and very soon) posting you just HAVE to see the latest Gossip Lady Video. Oh so fun!
DC, (intrepid videographer), and yours truly, took a trip to the Planet of Transexual in the Galaxy of Transylvania. The characters there? Not to be believed.
It's the "Rocky Horror Video."
Meet Frank-N-Furter ( cutie patutie, John Pirroni) and his Handler (Merrill Peiffer), who tells all.
Enjoy, Enjoy!
Yours in a love of the unusual
Gossip Lady
(Don't you just love the new hat!)
(for a more indepth catch up with John, check out story HERE).
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