Greetings Gossip Lovers,
Well it's a spectacular day in the neighborhood; sun without that oppressive humidity and so many wonderful outdoor happenings.
So hat on folks and head to the great outdoors.
For the second and final day you can dunk The Seacoast Rep's Artistic Director Craig Faulkner at the Bow Street Fair. Stopped by yesterday - fine art, original jewelry, hand-painted rugs, and threads for an American Girl doll that will leave the queen green.
And yes there was a bit of mean pleasure in watching Craig teeter atop that tiny platform then - plop. Just so much aplomb one can have at a time like that, but he's holdin' his own.
After scoring a few lovely items, you can head to Prescott Park for music and "Peter Pan," or to the Seacoast Science Center for the Petite Art in the Park exhibition and sale. Time it right and you can do it all!
Whatever your pleasure get out and partake!
Yours in the wonder of the moment
Gossip Lady