Greeting Gossip Lovers,
Dropped by Seacoast Repertory Theatre last night to peek in on the "In To the Woods" rehearsals, (an all time favorite musical).
Much to my surprise something very different was being rehearsed. Something I hadn't even heard about . ME! G. Lady! Oh the horror!
Anyway, there in the dark was a handful of people, Merrill Pieffer, Craig Faulkner, Claudia Coznier, Chris Bradley, Demond Nason - and other alum and a few newcomers (Ryan Bates the adult Tiny Tim in its current "Christmas Carol" and longlost college pal Doria Bramante for example).
So tell me people, what does this collection of people have in common? Think now.
YES! Incredible voices!
And tonight they'll raise them up as "the Friends" in support of the Rep Youth Chorus Holiday Concert.
And get this. It's FREE. They'd love you to give a donation, but no need. At 7 p.m. you can just sashay in and enjoy some of the newest voices - under the direction of Miles Burns, Mr. Voice himself, and then a few tunes from the old pros.
I'll be there with hat and bells on!
Oh and if you hadn't heard, the Rep JUST added a performance of "Christmas Carol" for Sunday, at 7 p.m.- its last. Get a move on people.
Have a wonderful holiday all.
Here's hoping yours includes some wonderful art event - and lots of love.
Gossip Lady