Greeting Gossip Lover!
Kids these days; so deprived really. I Pods, Twitter-thingies, laptops none of it makes up for having nearly every moment of their day laid out for them; where they’ll go and what they’ll do, along with an adult who walks them nearly every inch of the way.
Well in MOST cases that is.
G Lady had the good fortune of experiencing a team of Free Range kids in action recently and LOVED it! It’s incredible what kids can do with just a BIT of GUIDANCE rather than adult involvement.
Here are pics of a few of the BlackBox Theatre Productions', kids (at Seacoast Rep), a youth-organized, youth-run company, which will present it’s last production of “You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown “ on Aug. 11 and a “back by popular demand” a production of “Hair” on Aug 10.
Sound crew, performers, directors, musicians, and techies, they’re all 22 and under and doing what kids need to do, exercising their OWN creative and decision-making skills, getting that gray matter in gear.
Rock on BlackBox! Rock on Rep! We need more Adult GUIDED and adult free time for our youth. Why shouldn’t they have the chances we had, eh? Our we really all that bad, hum?

Oh the memories; the hours writing plays and yes actually producing them in a barn; writing and illustrating books; working the band in the garage … well you get the idea.
So, set those kids free folks. What the world needs now is more Free Range Kids!
Yours in the love of fostering ingenuity and talent,
Gossip Lady.
Photos: Photo 1; (l to r) Kimberly Burke, Curran Russell, Camden Munson and Dominque Lessard
Photo 2, Hannah Forsley, Andrew Bridges, Michael Peele