Greetings Gossip Lovers,
Well this is the moment of truth: can humans beat mother nature at Her own game?
We'll all find out this weekend when - assuming the break in the rain continues - "
Grease" will open at Prescott Park.
Here are a few back scene photos from this past Saturday, the ONLY day that week the crew and cast were able to actually get down there and put a full day's work in.
Then of course the skies didn't clear again till late yesterday - Wednesday .

Can they pull it off? The tension is
killing G Lady. But I'm sure it's nothing compared to what the painters, carpenters, actors etc., are experiencing at this very moment.
If you look carefully at the top photo of the stage you can see a painter working their little heart out on the backdrop. Next photo, a shot of back stage - well it is simply a tangle of work with opening less than a week away!
I am sure the real drama is being played out, right here, right now on Thursday night.
In the last photo is Stage Manager
David D'Agostino , and Sound Engineer
Katie Huges to his right, going over cues. (Check out that young man's face - lifted

directly from a classic Roman sculpture that one is. You just can't not mention something that extraordinary).
Anyway back to the drama. Will they be ready?
Meet you at the Park tomorrow night to see what unfolds.
Yours in anticipation,
Gossip Lady